The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (2024)

The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (1)


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Originaltitel: The Craigslist KillerUS | 2011 | 870 Min.


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Bewertung der Redaktion:

  • Humor
  • Anspruch
  • Action
  • Spannung
  • Erotik

Dieser Killer macht uns keine Angst

IMDb-Bewertung: 5,0 von 10

TV-Thriller nach wahren Begebenheiten.

Medizinstudent Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) ist Jahrgangsbester, hat eine glänzende Zukunft vor sich und wird schon bald seine attraktive Kommilitonin Megan (Agnes Bruckner) heiraten. Doch hinter dem schönen Schein verbirgt sich eine kranke Seele, die Frauen erniedrigt und bald auch zum Mörder wird…
Blasse 08/15-TV-Ware mit William Baldwin („Internal Affairs“) als Polizeiermittler. Schnell vergessen.

Cast und Crew von "The Craigslist Killer"


Philip Markoff
Jake McDorman
Megan McAllister
Agnes Bruckner
Detectice Bennett
William Baldwin
Detective Frye
Joshua Close
Susan McAllister
Julia Campbell
David McAllister
Kevin Kilner
Dr. Janeway
Sam McMurray
Patricia Banks
Judith Hoag


Stephen Kay

Bilder von "The Craigslist Killer"

The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (2)

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The Craigslist Killer

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Jake McDorman, The Craigslist Killer

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Jake McDorman, The Craigslist Killer

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William Baldwin, The Craigslist Killer

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The Craigslist Killer

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Agnes Bruckner, The Craigslist Killer

The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (9)

Foto: 13th Street 8/9

Jake McDorman, Agnes Bruckner, The Craigslist Killer

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The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (20)

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Fangen wir einfach an: Man kennt sie u.a. aus "Nerve" oder "Scream IV". Aber welchen berühmten Papa hat Emma Roberts?

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Na klar: Eric Roberts! Der Schauspieler aus Hits wie "Runaway Train", "The Dark Knight" und "The Expendables" hat sein Talent seiner Tochter vererbt.

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Sie war die Frau von "Iron Man", mit "Shakespeare in Love" und ist Oscar-, Golden-Globe- und Emmy-Preisträgerin: Gwyneth Paltrow. Aber wer ist ihre berühmte Mama?

The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (23)

Foto: Rich Polk/Getty Images for IMDb 4/18

Ja, tatsächlich ist Blythe Danner die Mutter von Gwyneth Paltrow. Man kennt sie aus "Futureworld", "Ehemänner und Ehefrauen" sowie der Serie "Huff – Reif für die Couch".

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Damit es nicht zu einfach wird, lassen wir den Nachnamen mal weg: Dieser Schauspieler (Vorname: John David) war in großen Hits wie "BlacKkKlansman" oder "Tenet" in Hauptrollen zu sehen. Wer ist sein noch bekannterer Papa?

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Natürlich handelte es sich um John David Washington – und sein berühmter Papa ist Denzel Washington, der zweifache Oscarpreisträger, den man u.a. aus "Training Day", "Malcolm X" oder "The Equalizer" kennt.

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Fans von "American Horror Story" und "Scream Queens" kennen Billie Lourd. Wir suchen ihre Mutter, die eine eigene Film-Ikone ist.

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Ihre Mama ist tatsächlich Carrie Fisher, alias Prinzessin Leia aus den "Star Wars"-Filmen. In den Teilen von 2015, 2017 und 2019 war auch Töchterchen Billie zu sehen, als Lieutenant Connix.

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Sarah Margaret Qualley hat sich mit der Serie "The Leftovers" einen Namen gemacht, und war im Kino in "The Nice Guys", "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" und "Against all Enemies" zu sehen. Gesucht wird ihre Promi-Mutter.

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Schwer zu erkennen, aber Andie MacDowell (bekannt aus "Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier", "Short Cuts" und "Vier Hochzeiten und ein Todesfall") ist die gesuchte Mama.

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Sie ist das weibliche Gesicht der "Jurassic World"-Filme, doch von wem stammt Bryce Dallas Howard ab?

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Der Nachname verrät es: Ihr Promi-Papa ist Ron Howard, der Regisseur, der Filme wie "Apollo 13", "A Beautiful Mind" und "The Da Vinci Code" verantwortete. Mittlerweile macht es sich auch seine Tochter hinter der Kamera bequem und inszeniert Folgen für die "Star Wars"-Serien "The Mandalorian" und "Das Buch von Boba Fett".

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Wir machen es nochmal schwierig und lassen den Namen weg: Dieser Star war u.a. in "True Blood" und "The Northman" zu sehen. Seinen Papa kennt fast die ganze Welt. Um wen handelt es sich?

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Eben zu sehen war Alexander Skarsgård. Sein Papa Stellan Skarsgård ist einer der großen Charakterdarsteller unserer Zeit. Von "Fluch der Karibik" über "The Avengers" bis "Dune" war er wirklich überall dabei.

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Foto: Juan Naharro Gimenez/WireImage 15/18

Kein Name nötig: Dieses charmante Grinsen lässt den Sohnemann sofort dem Papa zuordnen. Oder?

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Foto: Juan Naharro Gimenez/WireImage 16/18

Tom Hanks braucht definitiv keinen Vaterschaftstest. Wenn man es weiß, sieht man die Ähnlichkeit zu Sohn Truman Hanks sofort.

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Louisa Jacobson machte gerade dank der Serie "The Gilded Age" auf sich aufmerksam. Erkennt man, wer ihre super berühmte Mutter ist?

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Foto: occo Spaziani/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images 18/18

Louisa Jacobson ist die Tochter von Meryl Streep, der gefeiersten Schauspielerin ihrer Ära. Große Fußstapfen!

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The Craigslist Killer - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (2024)


Did Megan McAllister marry? ›

When he was arrested in April 2009 he was engaged to marry fellow medical student Megan McAllister. In the days immediately after his arrest, McAllister staunchly defended Markoff's innocence, but a few days later went to the jail where he was held and broke off their engagement.

Is the Craigslist killer based on a true story? ›

It follows the dark, mysterious life of murderer Philip Markoff. The film aired on Lifetime and is an adaptation of the true crime book A Date with Death: The Secret Life of the Accused "Craigslist Killer", written by Michele McPhee.

Who is the Craigslist killer's fiance? ›

He was suspended from the school after the criminal charges filed against him. Markoff met Megan McAllister, a native of New Jersey, in 2005, while they were both volunteers at the Albany Medical Center Hospital emergency room. They were engaged to be married, with their wedding planned for August 14, 2009.

Who is Detective Bennett in the Craigslist killer? ›

William Baldwin: Detective Bennett.

What happened to Megan McAllister? ›

Now McAllister is moving on with her life, Honecker said, preparing to attend a medical school in the Caribbean. She also cooperated with the grand jury that handed down a formal indictment. Markoff pleaded not guilty Monday to seven charges, including kidnapping, armed robbery and weapons violations.

Who is the father of Megan McAllister? ›

“We're very saddened by this,” dad Jim McAllister said at the family home in Little Silver, NJ. “She's very busy right now with medical school,” he said of Megan. “Her life is 24/7 [with school work].

What evidence was found against Philip Markoff? ›

Police had the evidence - the trackfones Markoff allegedly used to schedule meetings with his victims, the cable ties he allegedly wrapped around his victims' wrists, the Gray's Anatomy book he carved out, the alleged murder weapon that had been hidden inside, and the shoes he was wearing the day he was arrested.

Who is the most famous fake serial killer? ›

One of the most iconic fictional serial killers is Norman Bates from Alfred Hitchco*ck's 1960 film Psycho, who, to this day, remains the best Hitchco*ck villain. The interpretation of the character in Bates Motel is an interesting angle that shows his early life with his mother, running a motel together.

Is the Craigslist Killer worth watching? ›

Usually in these Lifetime-type television movies, the acting is histrionic, over-wrought and completely unrealistic. However, this movie held my interest and each actor was convincing in his/her role, especially in light of the fact that it was based on the true story of the actual Craigslist killer, Philip Markoff.

Where is Philip Markoff buried? ›

He died on 15 August 2010, in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, at the age of 24, and was buried in Saint Helena's Cemetery, Oneida, Madison, New York, United States.

How many Craigslist killers are there? ›

Zollman's organization runs a blog that catalogues Craigslist killings; according to their count, there have been at least 131 Craigslist murders since 2007. “Craigslist has always created an ethos of anonymity,” Zollman says. “And a wild west atmosphere.”

Is Richard Beasley alive? ›

The resentencing had the same results with Beasley still receiving a death sentence. Beasley has continuously maintained his innocence and remains at the Chillicothe Correctional Institution in Ohio.

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Dubbed the "Happy Face Killer" for drawings he left on anonymous letters, Keith Hunter Jesperson pleaded guilty in 2010 to murdering the woman in 1992. He referred to her as "Claudia," but that may not be her real name, California authorities said.

Where was Taunja Bennett found? ›

In 1990, Taunja Bennett was found dead near a scenic overlook at the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. Her sister Michelle White said Bennett was “a compassionate person” who “loved everyone.” Our. Stream full episodes on Hulu.

Where can I watch serial killer with Piers Morgan? ›

Watch Serial Killer with Piers Morgan | Prime Video.

Who is Megan McCallister siblings? ›

  • Peter McCallister (father)
  • Kate McCallister (mother) Buzz McCallister (oldest son) Megan McCallister (older daughter) Linnie McCallister (younger daughter) Jeff McCallister (second son) Kevin McCallister (youngest son)

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.