Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith/Transcript (2024)

The Final Straw[]


Obi Wan: You have done that yourself.

(He glares at his former master as he decloaks, with Obi Wan doing the same.)


Obi Wan: Your anger and your lust for power have already done that.

Obi Wan: You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until now....until now, you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

Anakin: Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan; I see through the lies of the Jedi...I do not fear the dark side as you do!

Anakin: I have brought peace...freedom....justice, and security to my new empire.

(Obi Wan stares at him in disbelief, unable to comprehend what he had just said.)

Obi Wan: Your new empire!?

Anakin: Don’t make me kill you!

Obi Wan: Anakin, my to the Republic! To DEMOCRACY!

Anakin: If you're not with me...then you are my enemy.

(...Obi Wan now realized that there was no other way out of this.)

Obi Wan: Only a sith deals in absolutes...I will do what I must.

(He gets in his position, with Anakin sensing this.) will try.

(And soon, he backflips towards his former master right after activating his lightsaber; both beginning to slash at each other wildly.)

(The battle of the heroes...had just begun.)

(After nearly driving Obi Wan to the edge of the abyss, he kicks him away, the former backflipping to lessen the blow before continuing off-screen.)

Confronting the Emperor[]

(Meanwhile, at the chancellor's office beneath the Senate Auditorium...)

(Yoda undoes his force stealth, and makes his entrance by casually bashing Palpatine's Royal Guards against the doorway frames.)

(Mas Amedda is revealed to be standing next to the Emperor, who turns his seat towards the Jedi Master.)

Yoda: I hear a new apprentice you have, Emperor...

Yoda:...or, should i call you, Darth Sidious?

Sidious: Master survived!


(The Emperor creepily glares at the green fiend of his.)

Sidious: Your arrogance blinds you, Master you will experience the full power of the dark side.

(The Emperor raises his hands at him...)

(...and suddenly zaps him into the west wall.)

Anakin VS Obi Wan[]

(Back to Mustafar...)

(Obi Wan and Anakin continue to furiously slash at each other, each having their near misses as they soon tear through the narrow hallway leading to the conference room, where the bodies and metallic corpses of the Separatist leaders and their security droids laid motionlessly.)

(They unintentionally cut through the computers in the room, damaging them severely as they continue to slash at each other.)


(Back to the chancellor's office...)

(Sidious cackles as he sulks towards the seemingly fallen Jedi Master.)

Sidious: I have waited a long time for this little green friend~

(He laughs once more as Yoda begins to wake up.)

Sidious: At last, the Jedi are no more!

Yoda:...not if anything to say about it...I HAVE!

Sidious: AAAAAAH-

(Yoda force-pushes him towards his desk, causing him to stumble towards the floor.)

Yoda: That, to end your rule, is!

(The Emperor gets up, visibly scared of the possible outcome this could be leading to.)

Yoda: And not short enough it was.

(This prompts the former to leap towards the exit, but Yoda does the same and stops him.)

Sidious: *gasp*

Yoda: If so powerful you are...why leave?

(He activated his green lightsaber, as Sidious returned to his usual co*cky and aggressive facade.)

Sidious: You will not stop me; Darth Vader will become more powerful than EITHER OF US.

(The Emperor activates his crimson red lightsaber.)

Yoda: Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced may is your faith in the dark side of the Force.

(The former raises his red blade towards the green Jedi master...)

(...and the latter leaped towards the emperor, bouncing off of the podium, and after blocking 2 slashes, both aimed their blades at each other, the Sith lord glooming over the Jedi master due to his large stature.)

(After blocking each other's attacks twice, Palpatine laughs in glee before abruptly switching back to anger after going for Yoda's head.)

Anakin VS Obi Wan (Part 2)[]

(Back to Mustafar...)

Obi Wan: AURGH!

(The duel comes to a halt when the latter grabs the former by the neck and lowers his own saber towards his mouth...)

(...before quickly kicking Anakin in the posterior, freeing himself and standing up.)

(Anakin kicks him in the chest, and lands on top of the table.)

Obi Wan: Hruagh!

(His former master retaliates by kicking him in the gut before attracting his own lightsaber, and attempting to cut him in half, only to get blocked by Anakin, who also activates it just in time.)

Skirmish in the Senate[]

(Meanwhile, at the Chancellor's Podium...)

(As both Jedi Master and Sith Lord furiously attacked one another, the podium rose up towards the empty Grand Convocation Chamber, symbolizing the importance of this duel for the fate of the galaxy on a literal sense.)

(However, much to the Sith Lord's chagrin, Yoda's Ataru fighting style, along with the small size of the podium itself, was giving him a run for his money.)

(They eventually enter a blade lock, with Palpatine visibly struggling to hold Yoda back.)


(The clash then continues, both once again stopping after yet another blade lock, infuriating the emperor.)


Anakin VS Obi Wan (Part 3)[]

(Back to Mustafar...)

(Now between the two holographic projector boards, Anakin and Obi Wan continue to engage in an aggressive display of swordplay before twirling their sabers rapidly...)

(...and entering a blade lock...)

( which Obi Wan attempts to break with a Force push, only for Anakin to respond with the same move, resulting in a vicious and literal power struggle between the two.)

(The Force leimotif cries out in the background as this happens.)

(Eventually, the air pocket created by the struggle bursts, flinging the two against the opposite walls.)

(Anakin quickly got up and sprinted towards Obi Wan, who rolls aside and barely avoids being eviscerated in half...but as a result, the former accidentally destroys the controls for the facility's forcefield that protects it from the intense heat of the lava flows of Mustafar.)

(Obi Wan then lures Anakin into breaking the exit button of the door behind him with his saber, now taking the fight to the balconies of the mining facility.)

(After a close call of slashes that nearly made him lose his hands, he kick Anakin away, and backs off for a safer distance to re-engage.)

Obi Wan: AUGH!

(However, Anakin foils it with a kick to the face.)

Duel of the Fates / Skirmish on the Senate (Finale)[]

(Back to the Grand Convocation Chamber itself...)

(Having disarmed Sidious off-screen, Yoda leaps towards a Repulsorpod, with Palpatine having gained the high ground and the classic Duel of the Fates leimotif playing in the background, alluding that the sith lord WAS the phantom menace after all this time.)

(While laughing victoriously over his complete and total victory over the Jedi Order, the sith lord begins to hurl over 6 Repulsorpods at the Jedi Master, to which the latter dodges and climbs upon, nearly slipping after being tripped by the last one.)

(Palps prepares to crush him into a bloody pulp with a seventh one, but this time, Yoda stops it with his own force powers, and begins to spin it faster and faster...)

(...until finally, hurling it towards the laughing Sith Lord, who is forced to jump clear to a lower Repulsorpod.)

(The Jedi Master, taking advantage of this, leaps towards him and activates his emerald green lightsaber once again.)

(But Sidious knew better...and shoots out a blast of Force lightning, disarming Yoda and forcing him to perform tutaminis and absorb it.)

(Palpatine advances forward and strengthens his blast, visibly straining the Jedi master.)

(But Yoda focused on his own thoughts as the Sith Lord began to pour all of his strength into his lightning bolts.)

(Once the former went back to his senses, he began to push back against the Sith Lord, causing the latter to reel back both in fright and pain from the Jedi Master's counter attack.)

(But before Yoda could succeed, the combination of both master's powers and unstable Force energy formed by such caused an explosion that sent both flying down the Senate's chamber.)

(While Sidious barely managed to grab onto the pod's guard rail, Yoda, however...was not so lucky.)

(He was sent flying down towards the podium, whom he could not grab onto due to its smooth surface, even with his nails.)

(Once he failed, he fell down onto the remains of the destroyed Repulsorpods, injuring him even further.)

(Knowing that he needed to escape if the galaxy was to be free once again, he slowly retreated as Sidious cackled victoriously...while still hanging onto the guard rail.)


The Boys Continue / Anakin VS Obi Wan (Part 4)[]

(Back to Mustafar...)

(Obi Wan and then Anakin are seen carefully tiptoeing through some leaking pipes.)

(And while both nearly slip down to their fiery dooms, a curious mining droid observes their situation for a moment before going back to work.)

(After exchanging a few slashes, Anakin finds an opening that Obi Wan jumps clear of, and lands alongside him on top of the multispired collection panels.)

(But only after a couple of slashes, Anakin punches him in the face...)

(...and drives Kenobi back along the arm as a perfectly timed explosion of lava happens in the background along with the crescendo of the music.)

Yoda's Retreat[]

(Back to Coruscant...)

(Yoda is seen crawling through some vents of the Senate building.)

Yoda: Hurry!

Yoda: Careful timing we will need.

Bail Organa: Activate your homing beacon when you're ready.

Commander Thire: There's no sign of his body, sir.

Mas Amedda: Then he's not dead!

Sidious: Double your search!

Commander Thire: Yes, sir; RIght way, sir!

(They leave soon after.)

Sidious *to Mas Amedda*: Tell Captain Kagi to prepare my shuttle for immediate takeoff.

Mas Amedda: Yes Master.

Sidious:...i sense lord vader is in danger...

Anakin VS Obi Wan (Part 5)[]

(Back to Mustafar...)

(Obi Wan and Anakin continue to battle atop the collection panels, hopping from one to another as they try to sever each other's limbs.)

(But then, their duel is once again stopped after a burst of lava hits the middle of the attachments of the collector panels, followed by a rain of itself which they are forced to take cover of.)

(Eventually, though, the attachments succumb to the heat, and the structure falls down into a river of lava; the master and padawan still fighting as they desperately climb to the top of what remains of it.)

Exile of the Jedi Master[]

(Back to Coruscant...)

(As Yoda exits the roof vents of the Senate building, he opens a ventilation shaft leading straight down...Bail Organa parks at its eaves, waiting for the former.)

(Yoda lands in the co-pilot seat, and sits down in disgrace.)

Yoda: Into exile I must go...

Yoda:...failed, I have.

(They both carefully fly off into the city's traffic so as to not get spotted by any of the search troops.)

Battle of the Heroes / Anakin VS Obi Wan (Finale)[]

(Back to Mustafar...)

(The battle rages on, as both master and padawan continue to slash at each other, and at the same time, climb up.)

(But the structure soon floats closer to a lavafall.)

(Realizing this, Obi Wan leaps towards a cable, and takes hold of it, Anakin soon following suit with another one.)

(All it took was one slash for the former to figure a way out of this.)

(He safely leaped into an empty mining platform, and watched as the structure melted and fell down into the bottom of the lavafall, thinking it was over.)

(But Anakin was faster, and was able to run all the way up...)

(...and after a miraculous landing on top of a mining droid, he begins to control and steer it over to the platform his master was.)

(The poor droid drops his payload to melt into the lava as it is unable to continue with its normal programming with Anakin's overriding.)

(Both soaked in sweat and exhausted, they continue to exchange swings at each other, but of course, at a much slower pace now.)

(They eventually stop after 10 seconds to catch their breaths, to which Obi Wan takes advantage try to reason with his student one last time.)

Obi Wan: I have failed you, Anakin!

Obi Wan: I have failed you!

Anakin: I should've known the Jedi were plotting to take over!

Obi Wan: Anakin; Chancellor Palpatine is evil!

Anakin: From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!


(The two stare at each other, with Obi Wan having given up on trying to bring him back to his senses.)

(He was sweaty, tired...and did not want to continue to fight any longer.)

(And as for Anakin, while also exhausted, he still had a lot of energy left in him to stop Obi Wan once and for all.)

(He coldly stared at him while waiting for a chance to attack him.)

Anakin:...this is the end for you, my master.

(Deeply hurt by what he just said, Obi Wan got back on his guard.)

(To catch him off-guard, Anakin sommersaulted behind Obi Wan, and after almost falling into the lava, the two slash at each other again some more...before entering into their final blade lock.)

(Obi Wan then leaps into a nearby embankment, gaining the high ground while Anakin stared down at him.)

Obi Wan: It's over, Anakin!

Obi Wan: I have the high ground!

Anakin: You underestimate my power...!

Obi Wan *knowing what is about to happen*:...don't try it...


(Anakin leaps towards Obi Wan in an attempt to attack him from behind again...)

(...only to get the rest of his organic limbs sliced off, causing him to tumble down and stop near the lava river in agony.)

(Obi Wan could only watch in horror...)

(...and grief...)

( Anakin attempted to crawl towards him, the Dark Side now beginning to fully consume the former.)



(Anakin continues to struggle almost blindly as his now-former master, driven to tears, continued berating him on his failure.)


(With these words, he then picks up Anakin's lightsaber, and turns to leave...)

(...before he is stopped by his former student, now fully embroiled by the dark side, cursing him out.)

Vader:...I HATE YOU!!!

Obi Wan *heartbroken*: You were my brother, Anakin...I loved you...!

(...and with this, his right leg catches fire.)

(The rest of his body soon followed.)

(Obi Wan...could not bring himself to even look at him now.)

(It wasn't the Jedi way, after all...)

(...and so, he ultimately decides to leave him for dead, and runs back to Padme's ship.)

Obi Wan's Retreat[]

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith/Transcript (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.