Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (2024)

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This fromage blanc cheese recipe is easy to make, and you can use it as a cream cheese substitute during the Great Cream Cheese Shortage.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (1)

What is Fromage Blanc?

Fromage blanc is French for “white cheese”. It's a soft fresh cheese (not aged) with a texture similar to yogurt or sour cream when lightly drained. If you drain it a little more, it's closer to cream cheese, fresh chevre, or queso fresco.

It's easy to make, with just two ingredients! You can spread it on bread or bagels, use it in recipes, or add flavorings to use it as a dip.

Fromage Blanc Recipe – Homemade Soft Cheese

I like to start this cheese just before bedtime, let it culture overnight, and drain it in the morning.


1 gallon milk – raw milk or pasteurized, whole or skim (skim milk will yield a fat free, drier cheese)

1 packet direct set fromage blanc culture


Adapted from the book Home Cheese Making

In a large pot, heat milk to 86℉. Add the starter and mix well.

Cover and let set at 72 ℉ for 12 hours. Since it gets cool in my kitchen overnight in the winter, I've been placing mine in a cooler with a warm hot pack. I tuck a big towel around it to keep it cozy and absorb any moisture. (There is generally a bit of condensation.)

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (2)

After 12 hours, the curd will be firm and the whey will be separated and slightly milky.

I place my big over-the-sink colander in a large bowl and line it with a large flour sack towel. You can also use butter muslin or a double layer of cheesecloth.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (4)

The cheese will just about fill the colander at this point. It shrinks up as it drains. Right now it looks more like thick yogurt.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (5)

Tie the ends of the cloth and hang to drain at room temp for 6-12 hours. Shorter drain time = softer cheese, longer drain time = firmer cheese. I generally hang for 6-8 hours.

Note: If cabinets are not extra sturdy, use a wooden spoon braced over a large container, or the back of a chair to hold your cheese for draining.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (6)

When the cheese is done, it'll be dry and fairly firm.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (7)

At this point you an use it “as is”, or add flavorings. It'll keep for up to 7-10 days refrigerated in a covered container.

One gallon of milk yields about 2 pounds of cheese.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (8)

Flavoring Soft Cheese

Fromage blanc has a mild flavor, so you can serve it savory or sweet. Drizzle it with honey and serve it with berries, or use herbs or chopped veggies for a dip or spread.

A couple of favorite options in our house are to mix it up like French onion dip with a dip mix. This is what's on the cracker at the top of the post.

To make a seafood flavored spread, I took 2 cups of cheese, a 4 ounce can of baby shrimp, 2 tablespoons ketchup and 2 tablespoons horseradish sauce. It makes a pretty light pink spread.

For a meat free main dish, I mix this cheese (flavored or unflavored) with some eggs, bread crumbs or flour, salt, pepper and seasonings to taste, then form into patties and fry in butter.

I hope you'll try this quick and easy cheese, and that your family will enjoy it as much as mine does.

What to do with Leftover Whey

Making cheese produces quite a bit of whey. You can drink the whey, freeze it in cubes to use in smoothies for extra protein, or use it to make live culture foods like beet kvass.

You can also feed whey to critters, like chickens, or water outside plants. The whey smells musty as it breaks down, so I don't recommend using it inside. The smell may also attract wandering animals looking for a snack, so it's best to dilute it well before using it to water plants.

Printable Recipe

Have you wanted to try cheesemaking but been too intimidated? Do you enjoy spreadable cheese but don't like the long list of questionable ingredients on most commercial cheese spreads? Fromage blanc is perfect for you to make.


Fromage Blanc Soft Cheese

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (9)

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This easy to make soft cheese is lovely spread on bread or bagels, or used like yogurt or sour cream in desserts.

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Culture Time + Drain Time: 18 hours
  • Total Time: 18 hours 10 minutes
  • Yield: 2 pounds 1x
  • Category: Cheese



  • 1 gallon milk – raw or pasteurized, whole or skim (skim will yield a drier cheese)
  • 1 packet direct set fromage blanc starter


  1. In a large pot, heat milk to 86 ℉. Add the starter and mix well.
  2. Cover and let set at 72℉ for 12 hours. If the room temperature is below 72℉, use hot packs or other sources of ambient heat. After 12 hours, the curd will be firm and the whey will be separated and slightly milky.
  3. Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (10)Place a large colander in a bowl of sufficient size and line the colander with a large flour sack towel. You can also use butter muslin or a double layer of cheesecloth.
  4. Tie the ends of the cloth and hang to drain at room temp for 6-12 hours. Shorter drain time = softer cheese, longer drain time = firmer cheese. I generally hang for 6-8 hours.
  5. Flavor the cheese or use “as is”. Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.


Adding a little salt will help to preserve the cheese.

If you do not have fromage blanc culture, you may substitute:

  • Culture: 1/8 teaspoon mesophilic aromatic or 1 packet mesophilic direct-set culture
  • Rennet: 4 drops liquid rennet or 2 drops double-strength liquid vegetable rennet, dissolved in ¼ cup cool water

More Easy Cheesy Recipes

We live in Wisconsin, so we love our cheese! These are some of our favorite recipes for making cheese and cooking with cheese.

  • 30 Minute Mozzarella
  • Homemade Cottage Cheese
  • Cheesy Garlic Zucchini Bread
  • Easy Cheese Quiche
  • Cheese Soup in Homemade Bread Bowls

Originally posted in 2012, last updated in 2022.

Fromage Blanc Recipe - Easy to Make Soft Cheese (2024)


Is fromage blanc a soft cheese? ›

Fromage blanc is a creamy soft cheese made with whole or skimmed milk and cream. It is a semi-fluid, creamy, viscous paste. Pure fromage blanc is virtually fat free, but cream is frequently added to improve the flavour, which also increases the fat content, frequently to as high as 8% of total weight.

Can you get fromage blanc in the US? ›

Fromage Blanc can be found in the yogurt section of most supermarkets.

What's the difference between yogurt and fromage blanc? ›

Fromage blanc is made by curdling milk with the addition of an acid, usually lemon juice. Yoghurt is made by curdling milk by way of the action of bacteria. While the consistency may be very alike, the taste will differ. Fromage blanc also lacks the probiotic bacteria of yoghurt.

Does fromage blanc melt? ›

It's a good cooking cheese too but it's not going to melt. It's a finishing cheese. I like it with a pasta, I add garlic, herbs, shallots and then stir the Fromage Blanc in at the end (off the heat). You don't want to lose the whey or the butterfat.

What cheese is similar to fromage blanc? ›

Quark is another cheese quite often compared to Fromage Blanc. It's not as common in the US but is easily found in Germany and the rest of Europe where it's quite popular. This is very similar to Fromage Blanc and made at similar lower temperatures.

Is fromage blanc the same as cream cheese? ›

Fromage Blanc is a fresh cheese that can be made with any milk type but is most commonly made with cow's milk. It comes in many varieties, including Vermont Creamery Fromage Blanc that is non-fat and Cowgirl Creamery Fromage Blanc that has fat (but still less fat than cream cheese, they note).

What is fromage blanc in America? ›

Fromage blanc is a fresh cow's milk cheese with a soft, spreadable texture and tangy, milky flavor. The name translates to "white cheese" in French. Fromage blanc is often included in or served as part of a dessert.

Does fromage blanc go bad? ›

This isn't cured cheese that's been aged — this is fresh stuff — fromage frais. And it doesn't get better if you age it — it goes bad. For those of us outside the borders of France, obtaining fromage blanc can be problematic.

What is the shelf life of fromage blanc? ›

Fromage Blanc has a microbial (non-animal) rennet type and an optimal shelf life of 119 days unopened.

What flavors are in fromage blanc? ›

Fromage Blanc Spreads
  • Roasted Garlic and Herb Spread.
  • Fresh Tarragon and Green Garlic Spread.
  • Roasted Red Pepper and Paprika Spread.
  • Smoked Salmon and Chives Spread.
  • Bay Shrimp-Smoked Paprika Spread.
  • Chocolate-Espresso Spread.
Feb 20, 2021

Is fromage blanc similar to ricotta? ›

Still, while they both have that hint of tanginess, Fromage Blanc can sometimes be a bit saltier than Ricotta, depending on how it's made. Also, Fromage Blanc tends to have less fat content, so your baked goods might feel a bit lighter and less creamy.

Can I use ricotta instead of fromage blanc? ›

Albeit not solid, ricotta cheese's fine, delicate grains are very far from the spreadable consistency of fromage blanc. Nonetheless, its mild and creamy flavor makes it an excellent substitute for fromage blanc in pasta dishes and savory recipes.

What is the English equivalent of fromage blanc? ›

Translation of fromage blanc – French–English dictionary

a tub of cottage cheese.

What cheese melts the creamiest? ›

Fontina. Fontina is buttery and smooth, with a rich and creamy finish that makes it ideal for melting into sauces and soups.

What is the hardest cheese to melt? ›

There's a family of semi-firm cheeses — among them, queso panela, queso fresco, paneer, halloumi, feta, cotija, ricotta and soft goat cheese — that won't melt over direct or indirect heat in your kitchen.

What counts as a soft cheese? ›

  • Quark.
  • Cottage Cheese.
  • Burrata.
  • Cheese Spreads.
  • Cheese Curds.
  • Cream Cheese.
  • Feta.
  • Mascarpone.

Can you eat fromage blanc when pregnant? ›

Milk products:

Therefore, soft cheeses (camembert, brie) or cheeses with a washed rind (Munster) cannot be eaten at all. However, make sure you get enough calcium: you can keep on eating hard cheeses, fromage blanc cheese, as well as yoghurt and pasteurised milk.

What is classified as soft cheese? ›

Common types of soft cheese are feta, Brie, ricotta, cream cheese, Camembert, Chevre, Roquefort, and gorgonzola, and – of course – cottage cheese. All these cheeses have a special tangy creaminess that no other food imparts. Hard Cheese vs. Soft Cheese.

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