Evertale Tier List (2024 Update): A Complete Ranking of All 130 SSR Heroes - Level Winner (2024)

Stepping into the fantasy world of Evertale is starting an expedition. You are looking at a game that has been around since early 2019. ZigZaGame, its developer has put in colossal work to make it evolve from a monster-catching game a la Pokémon into a dynamic gacha title that gives F2P players ample chance to enjoy.

It would be a crime to not classify it as a masterpiece. The diligently crafted stories behind characters and modes, the anime-driven artwork, the problem-solving element when trying to make it through hard battles, and the shared thrill and disappointment treading with the gacha nature of the game—Evertale got it all.

It’s no secret that the draw rate in gacha games is brutal and Evertale is not an exemption. That is why each time Lady Luck smiles, one would naturally be curious to know if an SSR obtained is a meh or maker. After all, the strength of an Evertale account is defined by the heroes it possesses.

That is the point of this Evertale 2023 SSR Tier List. We have highlighted and ranked in this guide the most notable 50 of the 130 SSRs as of the final quarter of the year.

Months of pure gameplay won’t be enough to fully soak into the game and learn about all the heroes so we have exhausted all legitimate and factual resources available. We did all the info and data hunting possible so you won’t have to.


We’re taking a different approach in this tier list, it will not be an all-encompassing version. Note that even ZigZaGame does not publish an exhaustive list of characters on the web except for the in-game encyclopedia; it is mainly the fans, avid players, and content creators that chip in bits of knowledge to make indexes and references to help the Evertale player base.

It is also vital to note, that the “balancing act” the devs are doing for Evertale’s relative generosity (being an F2P-friendly gacha game) is with how new characters are rolled out. Older SSRs simply become outdated, they lose viability in PvP, and newer ones are outfitted way better and that is exactly why newer tier lists across the web do not mention some SSRs you may have encountered in the game.

If you’re here because you have pulled an SSR and you wish to check how it ranks but it’s not here nor anywhere else that has a tier list, the above is the exact reason. Still, don’t feel bad, an SSR will remain a solid pick in the Online and Offline Story modes and can hold well in PvP if grouped with synergistic allies.

Taking that into account, we will limit the list to the unanimously and currently recognized as THE better SSRs. We have weighed all the info we can absorb from the high-ranking players in-game and what top content creators and other online resources share.


Basically, the ones that made it here are the main heroes used by the current elite players across servers. This means that a lot of older SSRs and those packed with rather basic skills are not included in tiers SS, S, A, B, C, and D.

Older SSRs have simple and straightforward skills

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Evertale has a constantly-shifting meta and the usage index of heroes regularly s in accordance to it. We have taken into account which ones are part of the top 28 if the first eight of units of the leading players across all servers are “averaged” and listed.

However, as a gacha game, we cannot overlook the fact that pooling a complete team is a luxury, let alone gathering units that synergize under a particular theme (Sleep, Stun, Poison, and Burn). In that sense, the characters are ranked based on their capability to carry a team that is yet incomplete.

The premises behind the ranking then are the following:

1. Impact promised by skills – this includes all active skills and the default unlocked passive. SSRs whose potential will be dramatically increased by 1 Limit Break will be stated. Those with readily available passives that are already extraordinary will be regarded higher since the analysis factors wh baseline or defaults. That means we are mainly looking at the defaults.

2. Reliability as a SOLO-CARRY or CO-CARRY – although it is understandable that most that will seek for an updated Evertale tier list are the players who have invested real currency in the game (apart from the “entry fee” of purchasing the game, of course), we cannot leave out our community members on F2P. Being on F2P means limited Soul Stone which means limited summons. To take that into account, the imaginary scenario esteems how well can a character carry a team.

3. Self-reliance and synergy variable – not all units are made equal. There are some who can excel on their own and even enhance or provide opportunities teammates. Others are at the opposite end of that supportive spectrum; they need specific allies like a Guardian or a few units to combo with. In this regard, well-rounded attackers and team facilitators are rated higher while those who need a friend to cover holes in their game aren’t viewed as much.

Given the above parameters, not all currently popular heroes are present in higher tiers but most of them are here. We will tell such for whichever characters it is applicable. We hope this makes things clear.

Also, we will not consistently enumerate the exact descriptions of their skills, rather we will delve into the application, their effects and, at times, how cleanly their designs can be implemented with the RNG element of auto-battles. After all, not everything that’s good on paper is good in action. For heroes with multi-effect skills though, expounding is inevitable so some will have lengthy details.

Lastly, due to the counter-cycle of elements, a hero is naturally beatable by another so we will not be listing them in order of strength within their respective tiers.

With all that out of the way, the gate to the final quarter of the 2023 Evertale SSR tier list is now open!

Evertale SS Tier Heroes

The characters (or duos) that made it to this tier are the apex predators in Evertale. If deeply scrutinized, they do have weaknesses but their impact and overall loadout tremendously overshadows such deficiencies. Their skills are designed to dominate any opposition and their power spikes have achievable conditions, sometimes not even requiring another unit to complement them.

King Arthur – Ruler of the Round Table | Element: Dark | Preferred Weapon: Great Sword – Crimson | Base speed: 424 | Leader Skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Dark element allies

King Arthur enters the realm of Evertale as an excellent executioner. The evidence? Every single skill in her suit is meant to inflict damage. Her Regal Pressure inflicts Super Poison on 2 enemies and creates up to 2 Kuromoris if there are open reinforcement slots. Regal Fangsbane will be her means to end poisoned enemies. It will also help restore her back to full HP if successfully used.

Hitting as hard as Regal Fangsbane is Regal Cometflare—it is the prize earned by enemies who have slain any of her teammates. If the kill requirement is not yet met, the same amount of damage will befall the target at the expense of sacrificing the last reinforcement in line. Her true coup de grace, Regal Eclipse, is an insta-kill to any Arena opponent but it has a thick layer of conditions: she needs 3 Charges and she can only begin to earn that after Limit Break 1. Additionally, 3 enemies must fall in battle first. Despite those requirements, her whole arsenal hails her as one of the best damagers in Evertale today and rightfully lords over in SS Tier.

NEW ENTRY (character rollout date: December 7, 2023)

Anya – Radiant Mecha Bride | Element: Water | Preferred weapon: Staff – Gold | Base speed: 335 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Water element allies

Possessing what looks to be the most powerful hybrid defensive-supportive passive skill, this version of Anya can tear enemies and prevent that fate to befall on her allies. Power Barrier, her default unlocked passive skill, is by far the best version of Barrier as it provides a damage reduction buff (team-wide), an effect similar to Hold Ground, automatic 25% per-turn heal for taking non-lethal damage, death protection from debuff ticks (Burns and Poisons), and a full health restoration when the barrier absorbs a lethal attack (thus consuming it).

Once removed, Aegis Overload becomes available and it’s nothing short of a powerhouse skill by itself. Apart from rearming Power Barrier and its insane usage economics (TU cost of just 1 and grants 5 Spirit), it is a nuke that will damage all enemies and Weaken them (-25% Attack value) while healing and Enraging all allies. Anya will also gain a Power Charge, a requirement to detonate her Demolition Raid (heavy damage, hits 2).

Her basic attack, Dream Weaver, is a typical minor attack if there is no Sleeping enemy but if there is, it will drop heavy damage to a preferred target even if that victim is not the one asleep. She is also poised to overtake Cinderella—the top unit in Evertale since she was introduced in May until all of October 2023—in terms of synergy with a Sleep-based team.

That’s due to her Lights Out, which can sleep or even re-sleep 2 targets, and the benefit she gets after 1 Limit Break that lets her attack Sleeping enemies without ending the status. Although yet new and untested, her jaw-dropping skillset beams into one direction: she is top of the food chain material.

Kaguya – White Rabbit Princess | element: Earth | Preferred weapon: Hammer – Crimson | Base speed: 458 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Earth element allies

Lashing on sleeping enemies without waking them up is the specialty of Kaguya. That is mainly the work of her default passive skill, Lunar Knockout. It also makes her attacks extra potent, inflicting an automatic Cursed Sleep to a victim with critically low health left or its surviving teammate (with the exclusion of those with Burn status). Her basic attack, Moonlight can hit 2 enemies and will be amplified if the targets are sleeping. She has two defense-ignoring, single-target nukes in Gravity Cannon and Survivor’s Barrage.

The Stealth status she needs to fire Gravity Cannon can be obtained by using her Lunar Veil. This skill is the most efficient self-buff that can give Stealth as it generates 1 Spirit and merely costs 1 TU to cast. It will also grant her Endure so it can negate a fatal shot. Kaguya has powerful attacks but she requires setup turns and a Guardian ally to be fully effective. Her strengths are balanced out with reasonable conditions and the holes in her game are pretty easy to cover. With the way she can blend in Sleep and Stealth formats, she rose among the ranks by the second week of November 2023 and skyrocketed to a top spot after not being part of the previous month’s top 25.

Jeanne d’Arc – Bride of Salvation | Property: Storm | Preferred Weapon: Axe > Spear | Base speed 396 | Leader Skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Storm element allies

Holding the fort is the prime function of this version of Jeanne d’Arc. Healing Rage has a low TU cost, usable multiple times, and quickens her (through an Enrage buff). Its casting cost of 2 Spirit will always be worth it. Her resilience can be further increased by the work of Attack & Stealth (grants dodge against multi-target attacks) and if pressed against the wall with low health after 300 TU, Survivor’s Judgment is unlocked, enabling her to take a couple of foes down. Survival Stun should become accessible in time with it.

Calling Mikaela automatically happens once a slot is vacated and when she’s in, there will be two tough, complementary units on the floor. She has Time Drain Raid (a dual-purpose self-heal and single-target nuke) and Purify Heal (debuff purge and 25% max HP heal for a teammate). On top of that, if Jeanne is killed, she can call her back with Holy Revival, reinstating a problem that the enemies thought they had already solved. Self-heals works with the game’s RNG excellently by default and the resurrection chance amps that up. It is not a surprise that she is the most sought-after summon in Evertale today.

Dark Jeanne – Summertime Fallen Angel | Element: Dark: Preferred weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 643 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Dark element allies

Nothing is as scary as fighting an SSR who hits hard, works behind Stealth, and has multiple ways to regenerate health. It’s worse if that SSR is Dark Jeanne for you may have to do that dreadful duty twice. Her basic attack, Dark Spirit, can double as a Life Flip if she has half HP or less. The Stealth buff she dearly needs—she can get it from her Stealth Zone. This skill will also heal and Enrage other deployed units capable of Stealth-based attacks. For eliminating foes, she has Stealth Ravager (can hit 2 enemies) and Survivor’s Rush (single-target nuke + Endure + Stealth buff); both attacks will ignore all forms of damage reduction.

Her mere presence draws an advantage for Stealth-using teammates; thanks to her default passive skill, Shadow Dash. It gives her a TU discount for her own skills if she’s in Stealth and allies with a Stealth attack will get their turns sooner by means of a Quicken buff. If Dark Jeanne is deployed as a reinforcement, this skill will ensure she enters (or reenters) the frontline with full HP whilst giving her team 3 Spirit. Enemies will have to blast her whole life bar twice if she has Mikaela’s Rescue (Limit Break 1, required). She is regarded as the centerpiece of true a Stealth lineup and a bonafide S-Tier regardless of what time you will group her with.

Cinderella – Princess in Glass Slippers | Element: Light| Preferred Weapon: Long Sword – Gold | Base Speed: 644 | Leader Skill: +15% Attack for Light element allies

The queen of all femme fatales and the leading unit for six straight months in tier lists for multiple servers, Cinderella rules with a set of devastating skills at her disposal. Hypno Blast can damage and put an enemy to sleep while being able to hurt those who are already sleeping without breaking the status. Flip Banish+ and Survivor’s Storm make her indomitable, as both effects can interrupt the enemies’ setups either by pushing enemies back to the reinforcement line or erasing them whilst fully healing herself.

Her true superweapon, however, is Calamity Phoenix which packs a whopping 1000% damage that nearly guarantees to one-shot anything. It will also restore her back to full health and reenable the Hold Ground passive if it has already been triggered (a casting requirement). This makes the chore of killing her nearly impossible.

Evertale S Tier Heroes

The units grouped here are not too different from the ones in Tier SS. They may lack a bit in the carrying department due to certain conditions or turn requirements but the advantages they bring all undeniably work toward making any team formidable. If paired with a proper, complementary SSR or gain their timing, they can blur the lines and some can become equally potent as the ones in SS Tier.

Lancelot – Swordmaster Bride | Element: Storm | Preferred weapon: Long sword – Gold | Base speed: 252 | Leader skill: +10% max HP for Storm element allies

Lancelot is built like a one-unit army, capable of surviving fatal hits and even ending foes before the danger of defeat becomes apparent. She has her basic attack, Swift Rage, to damage 1 enemy and gain a single-turn damage buff. Purify Stun does the base skill’s standard effect plus inflicting Stun to a random enemy if it removes a non-Burn debuff. Bonds of Agony serves as the heavy damage version of her basic attack although it requires her to be in Battle Trance first.

Outside of Battle Trance, she has an equally hard-hitting skill in Bridal Swiftslash. It has the potential to grant her full health twice—first, upon casting; and next, if she gets to survive the end of the turn where she cast it. This Battle Trance mechanic is enabled upon Limit Breaking her once; by then, she will have two passives that amp up her survivability, Thunder Guard (default) and Ultimate Defiance. Storm Lancelot is one of the heroes truly deserving of a Limit Break but even without it, there’s no denying that she is one of the more dependable SSRs around.

Sleeping Beauty – Princess of Thorns | Element: Earth | Preferred weapon: Great sword | Base speed: 280 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Earth element allies

Armed with skills that can punish enemies and protect allies, Sleeping Beauty is a certified S-Tier asset. Her first skill, An Ashen Garden, is a team-wide heal that will also apply a Sleep Thorns buff. Every ally that gets the buff will auto-sleep enemies that attack them, leaving a per-turn damaging Cursed Sleep debuff. She has her Thorn Raid and Dream Devourer which deal the same amount of heavy damage to a single target; the former will leave the opponent Poisoned and the latter heals her full HP bar and steals 3 Spirit.

She can lay further damage to all enemies with her Cursed Sleep Strike; burning enemies meanwhile are shielded from it but inflicted ones will fall under Cursed Sleep. What makes her extra special is her default passive, Thorn Wall, which automatically elevates her as the Guardian, as long as she has a Sleep Thorn buff. Her resilience can further be increased after 1 Limit Break for it will grant her a default Endure (repel all kill shots until she gets her next turn) and will render her immortal as long as an ally is wrapped with her Sleep Thorns.

Himiko – Priestess of the Sun | Element: Storm | Preferred weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 466 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Storm element allies

Structured to build momentum for herself and her allies, Himiko is an excellent carry and mercenary option. She has the easiest-to-achieve Charge mechanic as it comes naturally with her attacking chores. Her basic attack, Thunder Blast, is one of her Charge sources. It does minor damage (50% of her Attack) on odd-number uses and hits 6x harder on even-number casts. The damaged unit also has a small chance of being stunned. Another charge-generator is Time Dominator—a deadlier, single-target nuke.

She has a Guardian-killer skill in Thunder Breaker, giving her the means to dismantle enemies with organized lineups. If the Guardian survives the hit with 35% HP or less, one of its allies will be penalized with a 200TU Stun. Himiko also possesses one of the most impactful supportive skills in the game, Divine Reflection. It’s a Purify, heal (800% of her Attack value), and Enrage buff for the whole team but her. Furthermore, it can have an extended side effect: a free turn for her after its cooldown (the entire round after casting it). Her capacity to unload consecutive hits and support is augmented by her Wall Breaker (default passive skill). It will give her an extra turn each time she lands a hit and cast a team-wide Purify each time she slays an enemy. Limit Breaking her once grants her survivability making her the complete package. A reliable carry in multiple respects, she deserves to be hailed an S-Tier.

Alice – Dreamy Magical Girl | Element: Water | Preferred weapon: Staff – Gold | Base speed: 148 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Water element allies

Patience and luck are the unorthodox ingredients of victory for a team that has this version of Alice. Her basic attack, Swift Strike+, does minor damage and the usual Spirit generation amount. Its relatively low TU cost is a nice bonus since she is one of the slower SSRs in Evertale. Speaking of skills with cheap costs, the crown goes to her strongest damage source, Magical Drain (which requires 1 Spirit and 1 TU to cast). It is a hybrid single-target nuke and full self-heal which is reusable as long as she’s down to half of her HP or less.

In the costly end, she has Magical Starshower—an attack-all type of skill that may be complicated to trigger early due to the Spirit stack prerequisite. Meanwhile, time is the price for capitalizing on her Call Morphie. This skill will summon a familiar with an array of supportive skills (a cast-able, Guardian and Purify and passive, team-wide Enrage status and +3 Spirit). Most importantly, Morphie lets Alice assume her Starlight Champion form through a cost-less skill, Starlight Sacrifice.

In Starlight Champion form, Alice becomes essentially un-killable due to multiple heals, the Hold Ground+, and faster turns. The only caveat with it is the way it is positioned as a comeback skill—it will only be usable once the Hold Ground+ passive has been used. Overall, she holds a tremendous late-round swing promise so allies capable to Guard and Purify will aid this S–tier punisher to shine.

Anya – Summertime Mecha Girl | Element: Light | Preferred Weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 109 | Leader skill: +10% max HP for Light element allies

Stabilizing a team against an early onslaught is the specialty of this version of Anya. If the enemy has a strong starter who has eliminated an ally, Banishing Avenger can sideline that threat all the way back to the end of reinforcements should the unfortunate victim survive the intense 750% damage.

She is special because her version of Life Flip, Life Flip Attack, may be reused, unlike all other iterations of the skill. For aiding teammates, she has Purify Heal (purge bad statuses and 25% max HP recovery) and Instant Give Turn, which further reinforces a chance for her team to gain the upper hand in a round.

In terms of tanking capability and staying power, she is simply unmatched due to her default unlocked passive, Divine Guard+, an absolute auto-guard skill with a built-in self-heal. Despite being the leading tank and support today, we cannot dismiss the fact that she has a limited capacity to carry, thus we’re slating her a tier lower in line with this tier list’s premise.

Ludmilla & Clarice – Red Dragon Sisters | Element: Water | Preferred Weapon: Hammer > Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 296 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Water element allies

A lot of powerful heroes rock the Fire element and this version of the sister’s duo, being of Water property, puts them in a good countering position. Beyond that, the disables under their belt, Knockout Strike and Forced Sleep, shun the standard Sleep status limit for enemies; they can re-sleep those who have already slept.

They don’t stop at being great at stopping enemies for they can rake the health pools of sleeping enemies by the work of their Instant Nightmare (hits 1) and Savage Knockout (hits 2). For an enemy team to hold well against them, they will need units that have a high speed or Purify and they better pray they won’t fall victim first. A nightmare matchup for most heroes, they don’t need long explanations as they simply stand solid in the S-tier.

Rolotia – Sorceress of Time | Element: Storm | Preferred weapon: Katana – Crimson | Base speed: 1 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Storm element allies

Fitted with a speed that looks like a typo, this version of Rolotia would not mind being the last to take a turn since she’s capable of bringing enemies to a standstill. Poison Shock lays Poison and Stun to 1 enemy; if the target is Stun-resistant, it automatically seeks a qualified alternative victim. Chrono Chaos will attempt to stun all enemies and if no foe gets the debuff, Rolotia’s teammates will be poised to win the next turns. Deployed teammates will be free from all debuffs, gain Sleep Ward (deflect Sleep status), and attack sooner via a Quicken buff.

Her only means to deal serious, direct damage is Giga Time Strike (500% of her damage), an attack-all nuke. It will cost 1 Spirit for each enemy damaged and will connect if the viable targets are slated to wait for at least 100 TU. If the activation of her other skills lands at a bad time, she has Savage Step Back that will slide her into the reinforcement line. Her return to the front line will tap her default passive, Stun Heal Entry; she’ll be redeployed with full health and will seek to auto-stun 2 foes.

Limit Breaking her once is highly recommended to enable Timeline Distortion, which will expand her debuff threat and endow her with survivability. Visibly, she acts as an offense support and is widely recognized as the centerpiece in fortifying a stun-intensive team. Unfortunately, due to a wide set of conditions to make her shine as a standalone SSR and need to have a faster partner, her powers are only fitting in S Tier.

Clarice – Full-Throttle Racer | Element: Storm | Preferred Weapon: Great Sword | Base speed: 670 |Leader Skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Storm element allies

As a hybrid offense and support meant to build quick momentum, Clarice can turn up the tempo to end fights early, especially if grouped with multi-target SSRs. Her primary attack, Rallying Queen, can give allies temporary Sleep immunity (via Sleep Ward). Not only that, blessed allies will be Enraged (+50% damage for a turn) and be able to instantly use conditional/combo skills. If that won’t cut it, Deadly Command can set 2 teammates to abruptly get their next turns.More than just a turn-giving skill, it also grants 4 Spirit and washes off debuffs.

She can gain access to Combo Drain+ just by dealing damage from her other 2 attacks, and if she does use it, it will translate to a full HP regen for her whilst dropping a hefty damage to a chosen foe. Another absolute recovery can be achieved by unleashing her Fatal Frenzy (unlocked after defeating 1 enemy), which has a good probability of becoming a kill shot since it goes through ANY defensive layers or mechanisms (i.e., Endure and Hold Ground). Absent of any sly damage mitigation, Clarice is the truest representation of “a great defense is a strong offense” and rightfully so. an S Tier.

Snow White – Dazzling White Bride | Element: Light | Preferred Weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 227 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Light element allies

Arguably, the most powerful morphing unit in the Evertale universe; this version of Snow White is a top 10 mainstay of all updated tier lists for a reason: she’s two hard-to-beat heroes rolled in one. In her original Light form, she offers Spirit generation with Double Spirit and a heal+purge in Instant Restoration. On the offensive end, Little Bright Garden deals absolute damage and can cull an enemy by the third turn and if that is enough, her dark persona (invoked via Dark Transformation) can do more than seal the enemies’ fate.

Snow Black – Ebony Black Bride | Element: Dark | | Preferred Weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 722 | Leader skill: NA

Ebony Black Bride is a self-supporting damager with all of her skills having offensive and defensive implications. Dark Summon is a glorified Life Flip; it deals damage minor damage, recovers her own health, and promises an endless supply of Kuromoris which she needs to unload Blood Revelry. Little Dark Garden hits as hard as that of the light persona’s version with a minor, attainable condition, to kill one enemy first. She is also able to switch back to Light form if the need arises.

Evertale A Tier Heroes

These heroes can hold well against their S-Tier counterparts, especially after 1 Limit Break or if they are deployed with characters that they can combo up nicely. They have minimal design flaws or deficiencies and whatever it is that makes them vulnerable is not too tricky to address.

Lancelot – Twin Blades of the Round Table | Element: Storm | Preferred weapon: Long sword – Gold | Base speed: 118 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Storm element allies

This version of Lancelot maintains the capacity of escalating her deadliness after every kill, only this time, she picks off enemies with the help of Stealth. She can gain that status with Swift Stealth (single-target basic attack) and Royal Swiftslash (single-target heavy attack; damage can increase twice after kills). While in Stealth, she gains access to Stealth Avenger which allows her to penalize an enemy that has defeated an ally. She can also tame a foe with an active disable in Instant Stun.

For every enemy she defeats, her default unlocked passive skill, Deadly Momentum, is armed and this grants her an instant turn. This opens the chance to steamroll and claim another unlucky victim. On the defensive end, she’s also able to claim a turn and recover some health when she survives an attack with Regen Counter (unlocked after a Limit Break). Despite having ways to offset her underwhelming speed, her lack of a Hold Ground or any means to shield against lethal shots demands a Guardian ally; she has a sharp sword but she needs a crutch and this limits her from being ranked any higher

Astrid – Red Dragon Heiress | Element: Fire | Preferred Weapon: Long Sword – Gold | Base speed: 388 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Fire element allies

Empowered by her access to pseudo-immortality, heavy damage, and auto-healing, the Red Dragon Heiress is capable enough to carry a team. Burning Spirit serves as her basic attack and sets a mutual Burn status for the target and herself. She needs it to cast her killing stroke, Burning Blaze, which can hit 2 enemies with 500% damage. The much-needed Burn Status is also attainable through her defender-breaking Guard Incinerate or the team-wide, hybrid buff/debuff, Ignite All+. Ignited allies get a 20% single-turn TU discount and a 50% attack boost. The damage from the Burn status is a small sacrifice to pay because each time a Burning ally gets a turn, she will regenerate 30% of her max HP—thanks to her default unlocked passive, Blaze of Glory.

Widely considered as the strongest Astrid to date, she is a decent, well-rounded SSR. However, with no active defensive skill or heal, she is burstable by faster opponents. That is why it is recommended to Limit Break her at least once so her passive skill, Heroic Focus, may be tapped (negation of a fatal hit while Burn status is up). This passive also grants her 50% damage reduction and stun immunity. We’re slating her in Tier A because the better-ranked heroes can outwork her and strip her defenses.

Ludmilla – The Paladin Bride | Element: Water | Preferred Weapon: Hammer – Crimson | Base speed: 265 | Leader Skill: +10% max HP to Water element allies

A trusty tank able to heal herself and her teammates; this version of Ludmilla is easily the empress of sustains. She can resist damage better after casting Armor Attack (attack + self-purge + defense up) and a team-wide heal in Shield of Aldyne (single use per frontline appearance) means a better stand for the squad. Healing Armor is essentially an upgraded, transferrable version of Armor Attack with a bonus purification effect.

If she gets overwhelmed, Step Back is a handy, no-cost skill that lets her trigger Armor Heal Entry–it will make her extremely resistant to the next instance of damage and refill her whole health bar; this skill requires 1 Limit Break. The way she is set up makes her a good equalizer against a team laced with single-shot killers. With her regeneration capability and default unlocked passive skill, Divine Guard (a higher version of Auto-Guard), she is eligible either as a frontline or reinforcement. All things considered, her absence of a heavy-damaging nuke prevents her from being ranked higher.

Nobunaga – Demon Queen of the 6th Heaven | Element: Fire | Preferred Weapon: Katana – Crimson | Base speed: 730 | Leader Skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Fire element allies

One of the most promising newcomer in Evertale, Nobunaga is built for fast, unrelenting offense. She has Demon Hellfire and Stroke of Death to incinerate enemies–both skills have a high damage multiplier at 600% and 500%, respectively. Her Spark Blast may be the weakest attack she has but it is multi-faceted; it can ignore the almighty Counter Stance, prime her next turn with a reduced TU, and set her ready for her other fire-type spells by giving her the Burn status.

On the supportive end, she has a no-cost skill in Crimson Ward that can shield allies from the harmful effects of debuffs, depending on the targeted allies’ elements. It will place a Burn status on the targeted ally. Her default unlocked passive skill, Fire Rejuvenation, will keep every burning ally supplied with HP and spirit at every turn. All in all, Nobunaga has zero. She is generally balanced although being teamed with a fellow Burn user SSR can change that.

Snow White – A Midsummer Snow’s Dream | Element: Water | Preferred weapon: Katana – Red | Base speed: 611 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Water element allies

With her Counter Stance (default passive), intense single-target damage, and health recovery, it’s easy to understand why this version of Snow White is part of the 30 most-used characters of the top Evertale players today. Her Sneak Attack is a better version of the common basic attack since it ignores damage-reducing effects. She has Stealth Fury+ to hit enemies harder if she’s on Stealth. That status can be acquired by casting Healing Stealth which offers a half HP recovery.

A full HP recovery is also available for her if she manages to land Frozen Dreams which is her deadliest nuke. The victim, must of course be asleep and when it connects it will put her in Stealth too. Note that all of her attacks ignore damage reduction effects, elevating her status as a legitimate killer. Apart from her solid set of assets, the synergy she offers with Stealth and Sleep templates cements her overall status. Basically, the only reason that she’s not as an tiered better is the absence of a Hold Ground or Endure.

Odin – Goddess of All Laws | Element: Storm | Preferred Weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 400 | Leader Skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Storm element allies

Odin is one of the few SSRs who can spell the same amount of trouble both in manual and fully automatic battles. That can be attributed to her two full heals from Supreme Stun and Gungnir, both of which contribute to offense too. If it takes effect, Supreme Stun will lock a unit for 500 TU; this long disable, however, can only be used once. Gungnir, for its part, will consume one of her own summoned units, Winged Shade; it will also drop 600% damage to 1 target and purge bad statuses from Odin.

She can also attack with her Time Blaster (single-target nuke and Spirit steal) and Ragnarok (a hit-all, self-detonation spell). Three of her attacks deal 500% to 600% of her damage value, which makes her lethal in a linear trade of hits. Despite this, her limited summons and the need to stand at a reinforcement’s slot dampens her overall viability so Tier A is where she belongs.

Ossia – Plaguebearer Aeon Lord | Element: Earth | Preferred weapon: Staff – Gold | Base speed: 630 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Earth element allies

Quick or slow death; Ossia won’t mind what her enemies prefer as she can cater to both means of execution. Her high base speed allows her to be ahead of the curve using Swift Counter—a basic attack that puts her in Counter Stance. Combo Reaper is an aptly-named skill as it becomes available after she uses another attack; it can heal her for half health and hurt two targets, ignoring defense. Aeon Bane clocks with the same damage output and healing promise although it requires for her to be in Stealth or Counter Stance—not a problem since she has one method each to gain either.

Aeon Plaguebearer+, her default unlocked passive, would be her means to enter Stealth. It kicks in each time she survives a round having less than 50% HP. With how it works, it is one of the best passives that requires no Limit Break because it also grants her Enrage, a chance to passively Poison all enemies that are not Burning or Sleeping, generate 3 Spirit, and can happen multiple times as long as her health bobs over and under the mentioned threshold. She also has an “emergency” skill in Sleeping Death MK2 which can disable 2 enemies and bestow 6 Spirit to her team. It is only available, however, when the team has 1 or 0 Spirit. Ossia has solid early damage and comeback capabilities but her lack of Hold Ground or any form of damage mitigation renders her as a glass cannon, thus limiting her just in Tier A.

Anya – Annihilation Girl | Element: Earth | Preferred Weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 311 | Leader skill: +10% max HP for Earth element allies

With four poison-based skills in her suit, this version of Anya is a self-sufficient damage and sustain powerhouse. She can poison enemies with her Poison (basic attack) and Poison Heart (Mega Poison debuff) and then reap benefits from that with Poison Heal (recovers health for an ally) and Poison Drain (self-heal and damage to 2 enemies).

Although she looks good on paper, this version of Anya cannot be ranked higher due to the simple fact that there are a lot of heroes who can Purify or overwrite negative statuses. She likely needs the help of an ally that can give her an extra turn or disable enemies that can purge status effects. That, or simply group her in a Poison-intensive team. This template is still widely used as this Earth-based Anya never left the list of the 30 most used heroes in Evertale for the entire year.

Freya – Goddess of Love and War | Element: Fire | Preferred Weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 350 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Fire element allies

“Don’t play with fire for you’ll get burned,” this version of Freya plays by that tenet. With Burning Phoenix, Freya can blast a single enemy with heavy damage while sacrificing her own life force. This risk is managed by her skills, Burning Shield (damage mitigation) and Desperate Assassin (self-heal). Clearly, her eagerness to play dangerously is because she’s able to contain the backlash. If she is down to low health, Desperate Assassin becomes available and it is strong enough to delete a weakened enemy while restoring her entire health pool.

She’s a solid A-tier as she can handle her own attack cycles and it goes well with the fully-automatic nature of Arena battles. Add to that, she’s guaranteed to attack first due to her speed. What limits her from being ranked any higher is that she’s only a single-target killer, making her fall in comparison with better SSR heroes.

Elmina – Bunnygirl Assassin | Element: Fire | Preferred Weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 500 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Fire element allies

This version of Elmina is the representation of being extra. The multi-purpose skills she can cast have recognizable labels one may see as common but the additional effects in each cannot be found in possession by anyone else. Her basic attack, Attack All+, is an outstanding variant of the Attack All base skill because instead of spending 2 Spirit, she gains 1. It also neglects Counter Stance so it essentially stands as a Spirit-generating “free” hit with only contagious statuses as the probable backlash. For lighting things up, she has Ignition Rage Heal which is so aptly named as it does three things in one cast: grant her Burn status, heal half of her health bar, and a 50% damage amplification on her next turn.

Her Healing Burn Drive can deal heavy damage to 2 Burning targets which can escalate depending on how many units have the Burn status. It also doubles up as a team-wide heal. The balancing mechanism would be the requirement that there have to be 4 at least Burning units on the field. Longevity is no issue for her as she can repeatedly use Burn Drain+ to drop heavy damage on 1 enemy whilst regenerating her own health. Best deployed as a reinforcement (especially after 1 Limit Break), she has all the tools to clean up whatever opponents the frontline team missed to contain.

Evertale B Tier Heroes

The units listed in this tier have special strengths that allow them to turn fights around or end them quickly if given the right synergy or timing. They, however, require the help of another SSR to carry a team, mainly to offset their vulnerabilities or share with the chore of gunning the opposition down. Some of them are considered heavily one-dimensional or have a series of conditions behind their power spikes.

Gawain – Round Table Knight of the Sun | Element: Water | Preferred weapon: Long Sword – Gold | Base speed: 421 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Water element allies

To Gawain, each kill is an opportunity to be deadlier and stay longer in combat. She needs to kill to ramp up her damage, and she has three attacks to do that: Attack Two (standard damage + Spirit gain). Savage Assassin (must fulfill Savage requirement), and Royal Helioslash (attacks 2 enemies, damage escalates upon racking up kills).

She is by no means a glass cannon since Hold Ground+ is her default unlocked passive skill. This valuable skill can be rearmed through Triump Battlecry—a skill that brings in multiple benefits. It will restore her health back to 100%, give an Armor buff to all allies, and bless her team with Enrage. What’s great is that it will be reusable each time she defeats a unit. Meeting her kill requirement can be made easier after Limit Breaking once, for that will unlock Killer Instinct—a built-in Spirit generation and attack buff per turn until she bags her first head. She is suited to solo-carry a team but given that she lacks a synergy template like better SSRs do, she’s locked in Tier B.

Loki – Goddess of Lies and Betrayal | Element: Dark | Preferred weapon: Axe – Crimson | Base speed: 391 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Dark element allies

A true embodiment of how a 2023 SSR looks like—just check how lengthy the mechanic breakdown of her basic attack, Dark Hypnosis. This skill is a two-part debuff for its random victim; it will be Mega Poisoned (x20 damage of regular Poison) and experience a single-turn control effect. The hypnotized enemy will be forced to waste its next turn to cast Purify on Loki and grant her a turn, thus enabling her a combo. The 100 TU cool down it undergoes after casting will barely mean anything given that Loki has two deadly follow-up options in Reaping Scythe (plain attack on 2 targets; x4 damage + 1 Spirit stolen for each pre-poisoned target) and Survivor’s Edict (heavy single-target nuke + self-heal).

She also has a nasty hit-all with Devil’s Dance which can score a good of damage and a chance to Mega Poison. Loki’s self-created combos and multi-target attacks flow well in auto-battles but her using her is more of a niche choice. She is best kept and selected in a team designed to dwell on Poison-based attacks since her Mega Poison will conflict with other debuff types.

Elmina – Violet-Eyed Assassin | Element: Storm | Preferred Weapon: Spear – Gold | Base speed: 383 | Leader Skill: +10% Attack to Storm element allies

The Violet-Eyed Assassin’s approach to battle revolves around Stealth and straightforward attacks. She has Sneak Attack (basic attack) and Survivor’s Raid (must still follow standard “Survivor” requirement) when not in Stealth and Stealth Impact (pure 300% damage) when she has the buff. Her base passive, Stealth Power also grants her a 50% Attack increase. The skill that can give her the Stealth buff she gravely needs is Healing Stealth which doubles up as a self-heal that can make her regain half of her max HP.

Since there are a lot of ways in the game to break Stealth, she can get denied to use her only heal. Additionally, this version of Elmina has no active form of damage reduction. With the way she was structured, it’s evident that her contribution is purely on the offensive end and the single-target nature of her attacks does not help her with her case to be tiered higher. To her credit, still, the low TU costs of her skills mean she melds well with the RNG dynamic of the Arena provided that she is fielded with a guardian.

Honnoji – Flame-Catching Streamer | Element: Fire | Preferred Weapon: Axe – Gold | Base speed: 249 | Leader Skill: +15% Attack for Light element allies

Her Charge generation mechanic sets Honnoji in a special niche—a strong, volatile one, that is. Her remarkable suit begins with her pre-unlocked passive, Face the Flames, giving her a Healing Burn status (reverse DoT) by default. This grants her extra layers of fatal hit shield, depending on the number of Charges she holds (max of 3) upon taking damage. She can earn Charges each time she uses Raging Charge (basic attack + Enrage buff) and Instant Bazooka (heavy nuke and full self-heal).

The Charges she can accumulate will be worthily consumed when she casts Honnoji Bazooka (a scaling, sure-hit, team-wide nuke) and Honnoji Missile (single-target nuke and self-buff). By no means, she is limited by this Charge mechanic since she is designed to be well-supplied even when run in full-auto. Honnoji Bazooka takes into account all units with a Burn-type status; the more there are, the stronger the damage. This means she can thrive in a literal “fight fire with fire” scenario making her one of the most dangerous B-tier units.

Astrid – Red Dragon Bride | Element: Fire | Preferred weapon: Great sword – Crimson | Base speed: 352 | Leader skill: +10% max HP for Fire element allies

Sought for her ability to cover allies and synergize with a Fire-based team, the Red Dragon Bride is steady in B Tier. She can divert incoming attacks to herself with her Divine Guardian passive which will also make her automatically recover some HP at the end of the turn. All the health she may lose can be recuperated with Flip Inferno, an offensive version of the Life Flip. It can deal 750% of her damage to a target and set a mutual Burn status for it and herself. It is also reusable making it the best version of the said base skill.

She has Attack (hits 1) and Flame of Rigland (hits all and ignores Counter Stance) to poke enemies and spread the Burn Status. Flame of Rigland actually requires her to be Burning, which should not be a problem as she has Flip Inferno and Ignition Charge (a Spirit gainer) for that. It’s quite a bummer that she does not have a Hold Ground or Endure which would have made her a better tank. Still, in the realm of SSRs, this unit is one of the better tanks around.

Mysha – Fox-Eared Blader | Element: Earth | Preferred Weapon: Katana – Crimson | Base speed: 230 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Earth element allies

One of the oldest heroes who maintained her PVP viability, Mysha’s stealthy ways promise harm or death with each of her skills. She has Swift Stealth to damage 1 enemy and gain access to the much-needed Stealth buff; she needs uf for the rest of her skills. Assassin’s Drain is her deadlier single-target nuke which can also heal half of her health bar once it lands.

For blasting two enemies at a time, she has Stealth Fury (a status-ignoring attack) and Survivor’s Fury, both of which pack a wallop, albeit having high TU costs. She is a one-dimensional unit, all of her tools are meant for offense and her reliance on the Stealth status weakens her bid against enemies that can ignore or remove it. Weighing her vulnerabilities in, she is grouped with other B-Tier hitters despite her popularity.

Sun Wukong – The Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal | Element: Storm | Preferred weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 582 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Storm element allies

A Stealth-based operator using her own Charge mechanic, Sun Wukong can be a puzzle to tackle; a lethal one, at that. Through her default passive skill, Charged Resolve, she starts each battle all filled up with 3 Charges. Apart from powering her stronger skills, each Charge can also act as an improvised Hold Ground, shielding her from fatal damage ticks.

She can fulfill her attacking duties through Swift Stealth (basic attack + Stealth buff), Stealth Drain (heavy single-target nuke + self-heal), and Banishing Burst (heavy single-target nuke + Stealth buff). Stealth Drain requires her to be in Stealth, which should not be a problem since her other attacks grant that. Recuperating Charges is no issue too as her Full Charge skill fills it up, restores her back to full HP, and her team is endowed with 3 Spirit. As a self-sustaining solo gunner, she can lift an incomplete team and melds with a Stealth format so A-Tier is her home.

Haku – Sacred Deer Onymoji | Element: Light | Preferred weapon: Katana – Crimson | Base speed: 105 | Leader skill: +10% max HP for Light element allies

Setting up her team’s superweapons is the onus of Haku. Her Ink of Restoration can heal and do an absolute form of Purify on an ally. She also has Ink of Command that can instantly give an ally a quick turn. These set-up skills may only be used for 3 times in a battle. Once Ink of Command is fully consumed, her basic attack, Masterstroke increases its healing value and puts more Shiromoris. All in all, she can fuel heroes with multiple skill formats.

If she manages to survive long enough, Survivor’s Wrath becomes unlocked, giving her some damage potential. Haku’s default passive, Quick Draw, helps ensure that she can pop her support skills early to set her team’s offense engine in action, and that is valuable when battling another team of SSRs. We may have ranked her Tier B here in light of her capacity to carry a team but she can be few tiers higher on the larger scale.

Endless Rizette – Angel of the Sleepless City | Element: Dark | Preferred Weapon: Axe – Gold | Base speed: 442 | Leader Skill: +15% Attack for Light element allies

Perceived as currently the best “Endless” character in Evertale, Endless Rizette trusts her potent poison to push her team to victory. No Limit Breaking is required to gain access to her passive resurrection, Endless Revenge. Poison Scourge serves as her basic attack; it inflicts Mega Poison to 1 enemy (ticks for 20x damage a normal Poison status would), pounds harder after she resurrects, and sneaks past Counter Stance. Poison Carnage will reap a poisoned foe while restoring her entire life bar in the process. Instant Mega Poison does what the name says, albeit appointing a random enemy.

Her true tactical edge, meanwhile, will be from her Endless Resolve as it will give her an array of benefits like Counter Stance, Endure, and Burn Ward. This gives her an opportunity to actively target a foe that is not yet poisoned or end an inflicted one through Poison Carnage. The strengths she has, however, are not enough to slate her higher than Tier B since she can only cut down 1 enemy at a time and her skills are self-serving.

Rin – Canine Blademaster | Element: Dark | Preferred weapon: Axe – Gold | Base speed: 355 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Dark element allies

Anyone can fall prey to Poison and to Rin, even the toughest Guardians are no exception. She can inflict Poison on enemies with Super Poison Strike (basic attack; places Super Poison debuff) and Flip Poison All (Life Flip + team-wide Poison debuff; usable once per deployment). Afflicted foes will be hailed as available targets for her Poison Drain (heavy damage that can hit 2 Poisoned enemies + 50% HP recovery). If she secures a kill using her Poison attack cycles, Savage Assassin (single-target, heavy damage nuke) will be unlocked, allowing her to claim more victims.

What makes her special is her Auto Guard Breaker passive skill; it lets her do 50% bonus damage against Guardians. Given that she has 2 skills that extend her life force, even teams with a Guardian at their reinforcement line are in peril. Overall, she is equipped enough to carry a team, although a Limit Break may be required first to gain Hold Ground+ and give her survivability against lethal blows

Callen – Dragon Bride | Element: Light | Preferred weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 313 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Light element allies

This version of Callen can facilitate pick-offs even if the target at hand is a tank. She has a disable in Sleep Swap which usually homes to the enemy with the highest Attack value in auto battles. This skill will also make Callen withdraw to the reinforcement line and have a Shiromori replace her on the field, saving her from potential counterattacks. Her Guard Knockout allows her to make playthings out of Guardians as it can heavily damage and Sleep them.

Sleeping targets are in peril of being crushed by her Nightmare Assassin skill (single-target heavy nuke), which packs an even harder punch and it won’t wake victims up. Meanwhile, her basic attack, Attack Armor (hits 1; gives a 50% damage reduction self-buff), suits the name with its effects. Her default unlocked passive, Divine Healing, is a passive health recovery each turn she takes damage from. Well-rounded and has the tools to carry. However, she has to be grouped with a Sleep-based team or else. she may not be able to drop her deadliest weapon. Due to this limit, we’ll have to cluster her with other Tier-B heroes.

Evertale C Tier Heroes

Team composition is a crucial element in Evertale when it comes to going head-to-head with other players in the Arena. The ones clustered here are great building blocks and can be considered in a higher tier in the bigger picture. Each of them has a considerable weakness that may hamper them from showing their true strengths, which makes them less reliable than the heroes listed above.

Ludmilla – Red Dragon Race Queen | Element: Storm | Preferred weapon: Hammer – Crimson | Base speed: 221 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Storm element allies

If outpacing enemies is your thing, then this version of Ludmilla is your ticket to that promised land. Swift Purify, her basic attack hits 1 enemy and clears a random ally inflicted by Sleep, Burn, or Poison. She holds a chance to disrupt her enemies’ attacks by stunning them and recovering full health through Storm Heart (hits all enemies; Stun defenses factored as usual). Vengeance Queen allows her to nuke 2 enemies; it will hit harder for those who have slain her allies, able to escalate up to 600% to those who have claimed 2 victims.

The best skill in her suit is Command & Combo; it doubles up as a high-damage, single-target nuke which also grants an instant bonus turn to a preferred ally. It can give her team a chance to erase an enemy or two in one round. Her ability to build up a strong early offense or rally with her Vengeance-type skill makes her a valuable addition to a team with another damage-dealer and Spirit generation (as that is what she lacks).

Clarice – Venomous Rose | Element: Water | Preferred weapon: Long sword – Gold | Base speed: 120 | Leader skill: -20% TU cost for Water element allies; will be treated superior over Quicken skills

Simple yet synergistic with multiple lineup formats, this version of Clarice has the tools to co-pilot a team that only has one other SSR or two. She’s capable of going Stealth and dealing quick damage with Swift Stealth. A Sleep-based squad can take her in nicely too because she has Sleep (hits 2; can only affect an enemy once) and Dream Assassin (hits 1; can generate 4 Spirit). Should she be grouped with healers, it will help ensure that she survives long enough to unleash Survivor’s Fury (hits 2).

The TU discount for Water element allies that her leader skill brings makes her a tactical asset, especially against those who rock the Fire element because they usually have better speeds and access to Counter skills. Her default unlocked passive, Hold Ground, is a bit lackluster for an SSR. To give her better survivability, it is recommended to Limit Break her once so she can gain health every turn through her passive skill, Survival Regeneration. For the sheer value of her versatility, she deserves to be part of the detailed list.

Jeanne d’Arc – Maiden of Radiance | Element: Light | Preferred Weapon: Spear – Crimson | Base speed: 125 | Leader Skill: +15% damage reduction for the team when there are 0 reinforcements left

This version of Jeanne d’Arc has been around for a long time now and her frequent return to the summon rotation is the developers’ way to acknowledge her unfading viability as a top SSR. Guardian Angel, the skill for summoning Mikaela, can be used to preserve an injured teammate if nominated by the skill. Mikaela has an Auto-Guard pre-triggered so her entry somewhat ensures the deployed units’ safety.

Clearly, the frontline is their niche. Once she’s able to invoke Mikaela, the shared effect of Holy Protection and the finishing promise of Survivor’s Fury (single-target nuke at 500% damage) may be enough to delete a threat and keep their team in the fight. While a Jeanne d’Arc and Mikaela duo is essentially a wall, they lack a quick burst, thus leaving them in Tier C.

Ludmilla – Crimson Valkyrie | Element: Light | Preferred weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 71 | Leader skill: +10% max HP for Light element allies

The plainest and oldest hero that some elite players are still currently using; this version of Ludmilla is fielded for her support and tanking capabilities. Her default unlocked passive, Auto Guard+, guarantees that incoming attacks will be redirected to her. Taking fire is not a problem as her only attack, Desperate Drain (single-target heavy nuke + self-heal), gets unlocked when her health is critically low. After 1 Limit Break, she will have her Hold Ground, potentially extending her life for one more round.

She can also give turns and remove debuffs (both skills can target 1 ally) which can allow her team’s main guns to stay active in their damaging chores. Her low speed and high TU costs are clear indications that she is not designed to carry a team but it’s her suitability in making other SSRs shine brighter that makes her a worthy choice.

Ossia – Bewitching Devil | Element: Dark | Preferred weapon: Staff – Gold | Base speed: 222 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to all Storm element allies

Reveling in Poisoning her enemies until they’re ripe for her sacrificial kill shot is the battle template of this version of Ossia. Her Poison Trick can hit 1 enemy with a slight chance of inflicting a Mega Poison debuff instead of a normal Poison. Limit Breaking her once grants her the ability to instantly Poison new enemies coming up to the front line through Auto Poison+. It also makes her regenerate health each time a Poisoned enemy takes its turn.

She can stir chaos with her ally-sacrificing skills, Blood Assassin+ (heavy damage; hits 2) and Blood Treat (heals and Enrages 2 targeted allies). The default unlocked passive skill in her suit, Hallowed Healing, will be her means to stay loaded with HP and sacrifices. Each time she survives an attack, she will produce 2 Kuromoris (at the tail end of the reinforcement line) and gain back a quarter of her max HP. She may however need to cast her Taunt first to trigger this passive which, means she may have to give up some of her potential to get a Poison-base team’s attack engine rolling. With her limited speed and absence of protection against bursts, she may not be able to unload her full combo which explains her low ranking.

Callen – Seaside Scholar | Element: Water | Preferred weapon: Axe – Crimson | Base speed: 314 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Water element allies

This version of Callen has been one of the most used heroes across multiple servers for many months now. Her default unlocked passive, Hold Ground+ makes her survive all forms of fatal damage until she gets her next turn. The extended longevity could then be prolonged by Flip Sleep—a hybrid heal/disable (balanced by its single-use nature). For threats that Sleep status can’t contain, she has Sleep Sabotage to send a deployed enemy back to the reinforcement line. A Kuromori will replace the unit pushed back by this skill.

Her basic attack, Sleep Attack, is designed to touch two enemies with a slight chance to disable. It can be used to pepper sleeping enemies without waking them up. If that attack kills at least one enemy, Savage Force gets unlocked and it is powerful enough to melt two targets. Water-type Callen was rolled out in 2021 and remained widely popular until now. However, fame is not a criterion; she has blaring weaknesses that slate her in Tier C. The Kuromori substitute can only take 1 hit and the probability of an ally attacking it at random is high. If it gets killed, it defeats the purpose of shelving a threat. Additionally, Sleep Attack is quite weak to expect a kill shot from, thus accessing her Savage Force can be quite a challenge.

Rizette – Lightbearing Leader | Element: Light | Preferred Weapon: Long Sword – Gold | Base speed: 168 | Leader skill: Allies begin with 2 more Spirit.

This version of Rizette has all the marks a traditional SSR has. She can tackle more than one enemy at a time, regenerate health, and overwhelm enemies with a skill that can give her Counter Stance, Counter Shock. Drain Shock lets her hit 2 enemies while healing herself. Desperate Surge hits harder, depending on how little HP she has upon casting; it also has a stunning side effect.

Counter Shock solves her speed deficiency and the high TU costs of her skills. It is also a hit-all nuke which further completes here clearing potential. She also has a support skill in her pocket in Grant Armor, which purifies and offers a single turn 50% damage reduction to 2 allies. The thing that she lacks is a quick setup and she needs teammates that can rack up Spirit for her consumption so despite her strengths, she is more of a format-friendly enforcer who will stay in Tier C.

Apollo & Artemis – Goddesses of the Sun and Moon | Element: Light | Preferred weapon: Staff – Gold | Base speed: 436 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Light element allies

A double trouble that can slide well in two different team formats, Apollo & Artemis can lift a team with their combination of offense, sustain, and tactical versatility. Their default unlocked passive skill, Flame of Apollo, makes the game’s engine permanently recognize them as having the Burn status effect. This means that ally and enemy skills that factor the said status will get to enjoy its offensive and defensive benefits and synergies. If Stealth is the theme, they can gain that buff through Attack & Stealth (hits 2; Stealths self), Holy Eclipse (Enrage + Stealth buff), and Shroud of Artemis (also regens health per turn; available after 1 Limit Break).

Their heavy attacks, although conditional, also have self-healing implications. Moonlight Arrow (single-target nuke + gain Endure) is available when in Stealth; it will recover 50% of her max HP. Sunlight Arrow (single-target nuke + an instance of stun negation) is unlocked when there are 4 Burning units on the field; it can recover her entire health. The high damage of both attacks and attainable requirements puts Apollo & Artemis in a good position to carry an incomplete team. The absence of a Hold Ground or reliable survivability skills, however, renders them vulnerable so they stand in C Tier.

Tiamat – Creator of the Primordial Sea | Element: Water | Preferred Weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 485 | Leader skill: Leader Skill: +15% Attack for Water element allies

A stream of regen and reinforcements is the promise Tiamat is eager to fulfill. She can support multiple team templates. Genesis is a single-use skill that can refill the reinforcement slots—this makes her a desirable teammate to Blood-based allies. The same skill gives 3 Spirit, which sets up her Over Drive+ and similar skills should her other allies also have one.

She has all the merits to be the last unit standing by the work of Swift Rage. The Enrage status from it hastens her next turn, which poses her ready for Survivor’s Drain once the 300 TU condition is met. It has ample damage that can potentially end two pre-injured enemies. Her per-turn passive regen in Divine Healing will kick in each time she receives damage, which means she can benefit from being poisoned or burned. All in all, she’s a tough nut to crack but just good for Tier C since she lacks early offense capability.

Evertale D Tier Heroes

Although these characters are the last ones we will discuss, they are not to be dismissed as weak. The best players include them in their 4-platoon selection for a reason. They offer solid assets that will harmonize in tried and tested formats. If you have heroes that landed in this tier and you already know their true power, please know that this grouping is all about each hero’s carrying ability with one or two other SSR units.

Dark Callen – Dark Guardian Dragon | Element: Dark | Preferred weapon: Axe – Crimson | Base speed: 455 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Dark element allies

A prospective Guardian breaker for a Poison-based team, Dark Callen has three methods to inflict the debuff on her enemies. Swift Poison is a basic attack that Poisons the target. Poison Burst is the amplified version; it hits for 300% of her Attack value and must be used in alternate order with a different skill. Savage Poison becomes available once Dark Callen has claimed victim; it will inflict Mega Poison instead.

What keeps her viable is her Guard Destroyer and passive skills, Vigor Armor (default; absolute 50% incoming damage reduction when at full health) and Poison Regeneration (1 Limit Break required; 30% HP heal for every Poisoned enemy taking a turn. She plays the role of a complementary attacker in a Poison lineup and may fare decently even as a standalone SSR meant to carry a budding team.

Snow White – Queen of Dreams | Element: Dark | Preferred weapon: Staff – Gold | Base speed: 325 | Leader skill: +10% Attack and 7% max HP to Dark element allies

It is rare for the first and oldest iteration of a hero to remain in rotation, especially one that was introduced over two years ago. This version of Snow White offers wide versatility as a support and spare damager which is why she remains seen as viable. Like older and simpler heroes, she has a normal Attack that hits 1 enemy and gives 2 Spirit. For turning the volume up, she has bigger guns in Blood Assassin (hits 1) and Savage Force (hits 2) which both come with the usual conditions of their base skills.

The value she brings peaks with Purify Call as it can purge harmful statuses from 2 allies and keep piling up Kuromoris to fuel Blood-based attacks. In theory, she can generate up to 3 Kuromoris in a turn after 1 Limit Break due to Summon Dawn. This passive skill triggers the moment she enters the battlefield, which means that it is possible to unload Blood Assassin in her first turn. Her default passive skill, Regeneration Shroud, works for her preservation as it puts her in Stealth and can make her regain 30% of her max HP at every turn.

Hibiki – Demon of Class 2-B | Element: Fire | Preferred weapon: Katana – Crimson | Base speed: 511 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Fire element allies

Creating an early damage or kill edge is possible with a hero like Hibiki. With a speed of 511, she has a high chance of being 1 of the first 3 attackers in a round; this makes it pop Ignition Rage (+50% damage buff for the next turn). If grouped with a turn-giver and granted another shot in the same round, she can either drop Burn Blast+ (single-target, heavy nuke) or Crisis Drain (hits 2 enemies and self-heal). The variable between those two follow-up shots is the Spirit remaining when it is her turn to attack again; Burn Blast+ only costs 1 Spirit and Crisis Drain can be used even with 0 Spirit left.

Her basic attack, Ignition Attack, is a standard solo-target, Burn status effect giver—the status she needs for Burn Blast. Note that it will also clear Poison so it has some defensive utility too. Speaking of which, as long as she’s Burning, she takes 50% less damage due to her default unlocked passive skill, Burn Armor. The cheap Spirit costs to operate her allows her to help lift a team as a co-carry; however, her lack of a Hold Ground renders her vulnerable, especially if there is no Guardian to cover her. As such, despite being cost-effective, she merely is a Fire lineup filler classifiable as an D-Tier.

Dark Jeanne – Maiden of Darkness | Element: Dark | Preferred weapon: Great sword – Crimson | Base speed: 385 | Leader skill: 15% Attack for Dark element allies

A Jeanne x Mikaela SSR guarantees a better stand against any opposition and these units are no exception. This Dark Jeanne brings in a mix of Poison attacks, a self-heal + Enrage buff, and a Survival-based attack. The sustain from Healing Rage can help ensure that she stays alive to power up Survivor’s Fury (hits 2 enemies). Should she prematurely fall, the default unlocked passive, Mikaela’s Revenge would be her life extension.

If Jeanne falls, Mikaela takes her place. Mikaela has a common attack and a Blood-based attack in Blood Drain and she supplies her own ammo (2 Kuromoris at the tail end of reinforcements) upon her battlefield entry. She also has Sleep to negate threats or deny those with Hold Ground+ from enjoying the temporary immunity to death if timed right. Jeanne can be called back in through Unholy Revival and allow her to resume her Poison combos. Although the format of this Dark Jeanne is the simpler one, the fact that it’s two SSRs for the price of one hails them as part of the top 50.

Sakura – Thoroughbred Idol | Element: Light | Preferred weapon: Mace – Gold | Base speed: 330 | Leader skill: +15% Attack for Light element allies

Metas in Evertale revolve around team compositions reliant on negative statuses and this is exactly why older heroes like Sakura can stay viable. In her particular case, her default unlocked passive skill, Song of Purification is what makes her golden; it lets her remove debuffs and disables from a random inflicted ally per turn. Her basic attack, Attack & Heal does what it exactly says although the healing goes to a random teammate. She has two conditional heavy attacks in Over Drive+ and Savage Force.

She can further sharpen her damage output through a single-turn damage buff in Rage Promise. Buffs usually consume Spirit but this one grants the team 2 which can help accumulate the requirement to unload her Over Drive+. After 1 Limit Break, she gains a passive, per-turn self-healing and 50% incoming damage reduction via Armored Regeneration, sealing her longevity as an auxiliary unit that can help tough and frail allies alike. Her versatility makes her a decent lineup filler but she doesn’t have a main edge that would have allowed her to be ranked higher.

Evertale E Tier and F Tier Heroes

A mix of recent and much older heroes comprises what we consider in tiers E and F. Their names are listed from this point onwards. As SSRs, they are expected to have better stats than SRs so they will remain as decent additions. The main issues with them are quite a mix; their skills may be outdated, one-dimensional, self-serving, too generic, or simply severely lackluster when compared with newer, feature-packed units.

There are select few of them that will thrive in status-based lineups which means they can function exceptionally well in a complete team. Please make no mistake to assume that we have totally dismissed them, we have checked their usage data thoroughly, tried them in the game as mercenaries, and check online resources. Although some have undeniable potential, the ones that came before them are more dependable carries and supports.

E Tier Heroes

Jeanne d’Arc – Valentine’s Day Maiden

Rei – Sakura Bride

Hibiki – Scarlet Oni Samurai

Mysha – Fox-Eared Idol

Gyurelle – Myriadmask Aeon Lord

Mirai – Halloween Idol

Alice – The Eternal Dream

Gaia – Goddess of the Earth

Mizuchi – White Snake Onymoji

Rizette – Spring’s First Blossom

Anya – The Lost Von Draclow

Druke – Apex Blademaster

Shanna – Red Riding Hood, Dragon Slayer

Callen – Magical Dragon Girl

Rizette – Cerulean Crestbearer

Astrid – Hero of the West

Infernal Mysha – Nine-Tailed Calamity

Rei – Goddess of Bounty

Norza – Blade of the Aeons

Theo – Cerulean Sorcerer

Endless Ludmilla – Savior of the Living City

Rei – Sakura Onymoji

Shuten-Douji – Degenerate Oni Queen

Rizette – Bashful Bunnygirl

Mirai – Sparkling Idol

Nagi – The Ladies’ Knight

Endless Astrid – Voice of Defiance

Elmina – Yuletide Rogue

Maxima – Fiery Princess

Antares – Knight of Sacred Fire

Voraxion – Adamantine Maw

Clarice – Black Summer Rose

Endless Astrid – Twilight Bride

Alira – Silk-Veiled Siren

Le Fay – The Witch of Avalon

Rolotia – Lady of Eternal Summer

Merlin – Sorceress of Prophecy

Merdain – Knight of Vengeance

F Tier Heroes

Aritmeia – Lady of the White Moon

Reina – Crimson-Eyed Vampire

Antares – Thunderhearted Heroine

Saya – Solitary Star

Momoka – Mysterious Shrine Maiden

Endless Rizette – Maid of Midwinter

Astrid – Hero of Rigland (On Break)

Ossia – The Hollow Heart

Orzachron – Organica War Machine MK

Fornaxos – Flame Incarnate

Rolotia – Sorceress of Dawn

Callen – Brilliant Magic Researcher

Oumei – Spirit of Spring

Kisara – Blade of the Summer Sun

Shirra – Mistress of the Butterflies

Ryouma – Warrior of the Nameless Beast

Alira – Sweet Beach Temptation

Ludmilla – Summertime Valkyrie

Akatsuki – Elven Swordmaster Supreme

Finn – The Crimson Crestbearer

Kana – Elysian Shadow

Astrid – Hero of Rigland

Cyrus – Mercurial Mastermind

Reina – Deadly Nurse

Rashanar – The Burning Hunger

Lucius – Fighter Against Fater

Vesh – Will of the Soul

Kirin – Mythweaver

Aria – Petite Primordial

Shiori – Steel-Edged Sakura

Altaireon – Soul of the Storm

Elmina – Void Renegade

Yuki – Born of Winter

Grenzor – Scourge of the Hinterlands

Bahamut – Doomsday Dragon God

Rolotia – Timeless Beauty

Young Rizette – Pure Blue

Imran – The Walking Storm

Elmina – Sunkissed Mirage

Kaidaros – Riptide Guardian

Diabolos – Dragon Lord of Shadow

Vonn – Bearer of the Demon Maul

As we end this Evertale 2023 Tier List, we’d like to clarify that only the best and most-used heroes in the final quarter of 2023 made it to the detailed list. It’s basically a mix of who is viable and popular for the top players and our interpretation of how reliable they are in carrying or co-carrying a team.

Most of them can be classified as S to B Tier globally; we have simply ranked them based on their individual skill sets, apparent impact, and aptitude to carry a team that only has a couple of SSRs. After all, Evertale is a gacha game, and pulling SSRs for an F2P player takes a load of luck and months or even years of gameplay.

We hope you enjoyed reading our Evertale Tier List. There are several Evertale tier lists around but all of them simply pulled random names of heroes. Simply put, nothing else comes close to the truth as we did here and we got trucriot, a dedicated Evertale content creator, to thank for that.

Speaking of gratitude, we want to thank you too for spending time checking this article out. Your presence here is as valuable to us as pulling an SSR!

Let us know if your favorite hero made it here! If ever your current SSR team carrier was not listed, feel free to defend him/her and share your thoughts with the community. Tell us why your hero should be in the top 50 and how do you think he/she should have been ranked. The comment section below awaits you!

Evertale Tier List (2024 Update): A Complete Ranking of All 130 SSR Heroes - Level Winner (2024)
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